Unlock the Benefits of Personal Training for Older Adults

When you think of a Personal Training session or even going to the gym what pops into your head?

Go ahead and visualise. Close your eyes and walk into a big gym - what is the first thing you see, hear and smell?

Most likely you haven’t pictured someone over the age of 70.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by stereotypes; bodybuilders, lycra clad bodies, heavy weights and treadmills going 100 miles an hour, grunts and sweating.

Our Small Gym with the Big Heart is here to demolish these stereotypes.

Personal Training is just that, personal. We like to provide a service to anyone needing help along their fitness journey.

I’m Shannon our resident Sports Therapist and qualified Older Adult Program Designer.

I've learned through working in the fitness industry for many years that there's a substantial need to look after mobility, balance, and flexibility.

With ageing there comes a certain amount of deterioration. How well you move or do not move has a big effect on how efficiently you perform everyday tasks and importantly mindset.

I have made it a goal of mine to offer Personal Training sessions to over-60s that focus on bringing confidence back into movement. To get the body functioning in a very efficient way.

Thinking about everyday tasks; taking a shower, getting in and out of the car, getting a bowl out of the cupboard, these all require us to recruit the right muscles at the right time. It’s so easy to turn the wrong way and lose balance, feel a pull while reaching out or let your body fall into a seat.

Our over-65s program takes functional movement into account.

If you know a friend or family member who is needing a bit of extra support either coming back from an injury or struggling with functional movement please tell them to get in touch.

Let us help give them their confidence back, to move more freely!

Our move well therapy 1-1 Personal training program is perfect for building confidence. It including 8 bespoke sessions, lifestyle and health assessment, monthly accountability, nutrition coaching, and performance progress, depending on your preference, your current level of ability, symptoms and your goals you will receive a tailored session with may include either exercise prescription or therapy treatment or a mix of both .

Contact us today for more details about move well therapy

"Uncover Move Well Therapy Secrets Now!"



Coming back from an injury and time out can be scary


A Goal without a plan is just a wish! ‘knowledge is power’