"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art."

– La Rochefoucauld. 

Nutrition… It’s a minefield to navigate alone! Conflicting information and unrealistic media influences often have us confused about what to eat.

I’ll be honest though! Without the right ‘tools’ and strategies in place losing weight or embarking on a new nutritional regime for your health can be hard on your own.

You will of heard the saying, You can't outrun a bad diet! it’s true! When it comes to calories, clearly it is a lot easier and faster to consume them than it is to burn. The average person burns about 100 calories per mile when running, but can easily consume 300-400 calories in just a few minutes!

To lose weighttone up and reduce body fat you need to make long-term changes to your current habits and REDUCE YOUR CALORIE INTAKE. This means combining the right food with an exercise program you enjoy. Losing body fat is essential to health and how you look.

Drastic faddy diets and hard core exercise regimes that result in rapid weight loss are unlikely to work for long, because these kinds of lifestyle changes can’t be maintained. Once you stop the regime, you’re likely to return to old habits and regain the weight.

Kate Campbell Fitness will not promote unhealthy unrealistic elimination diets. In fact, the word "diet" is banned! Instead, we encourage you to actively plan, record and be responsible for what you eat and drink at least 80% of the time!

Simple ingredients prepared in a simple way, make cooking EASY!

If you're like most people, the word "diet" conjures up all sorts of negative connotations. You think of deprivation, hunger, and self-control. But what if I told you that there was a way to lose weight without any of those things? You would jump at it, Right?

Then the Key is to firstly understand and acknowledge that your current lifestyle has led to you gaining weight, and it is only by making adjustments to this that the long-term outcome of a permanent solution can be achieved.

The main component of any weight loss and lifestyle programs should be behaviour change.

Be honest with yourself and be honest with us, let us support you on this journey and lets make Easy nutritional adjustments for long term success.

Finally, the results you've been waiting for


Losing weight might not be your goal but everyone wants to fuel their body correctly when training.

In the past our clients nutritional goals have including eating well to have / improve:

  • More energy

  • Increased vitality

  • Lose weight

  • Reduce blood pressure

  • Prevent diabetes

  • Reduce tiredness in the afternoon

  • Increase concentration

  • Improve bowel habits and reduce abdominal bloating.

  • Reduce abdominal fat

  • Losing weight post birth

  • Gain muscle

  • Lose fat without losing muscle

  • Fuel for running

There are several different strategies other clients have found successful in the past and together we will find the one which will suit your lifestyle.

These can be changed as there are no hard and fast rules, long term success needs cultivating, its trial and error and we’re aware not one size fits all! From intuitive eating, portion control, the 80/20 rule, upping protein to Macro and calorie counting will all work with consistent effort. The best option is always the one which you can adhere to long term.

There is no magic pill or shake to make weight disappear or your clothes to fit better! instead we discuss options.

Initially we ask you to keep a food diary. An honest record of what you eat and drink will highlight areas that you may need to change.  Your diary will be reviewed and discussed and recommendations will be given.

Why not start today? here is a weekly food diary that you can fill out and bring to your first session. Add all food and drink you’ve consumed - Lettuce leaves, no carbs, plain cottage cheese and Ryvitas usually shout DIET FOOD, instead show us your normal week - a Tesco sandwich, glass of wine, packet of nuts, party cake. We’re not here to Judge we’re here to help.

Its unrealistic to eat foods you don't enjoy or have been told to eat. Instead knowledge and education is the key, swapping foods, changing habits and developing an interest in how you fuel your body works best.

If your goal is to maintain and increase lean muscle mass, then understanding the science behind progressive exercise overload and the nutritional value of the individual macronutrients is important.

Carbohydrates we love them! you need them and they shouldn’t be eliminated from your diet. Protein no one eats enough! increase to support and aid recovery and eat healthy fats which can help curb hunger and cravings, as well as make you feel more satisfied after eating.

Macronutrients form an exciting part of nutritional understanding and as a team we can’t wait to share this information with you.

WHAT CAN I EAT? and have you got RECIPE IDEAS? these are just a few of the questions we get asked, so to give you food for thought we have joined up with a nutrition company to produce healthy recipe collections to support your journey. Non fancy, tasty, wholesome meals that you and everyone can enjoy.

The feedback from our members who regularly purchase them is great.

Our Recipe Collections

Rediscover the joy of healthy eating