Unraveling the Fascinating Tale of Fast and Furious or Slow and Meaningful

Focus on behaviour, habits, thoughts and feelings: Focus on the bigger picture.

Your PT journey is not just about what the scales say every week.

Nutrition is a tricky complicated business. We all know that broccoli is healthier for you than a slice of white bread but changing your diet and getting the desired results isn't simple.

Following a diet plan that tells you what to eat and when simply won’t work if we don't figure out the motives behind our choices and modify our behaviour and mindset.

Healthy habits need to start with finding food you really enjoy, exercise you like doing and creating the right mindset in which the pieces of the puzzle fit into your lifestyle. 

Focus on long term changes

At the start of any fitness or weight loss journey many of you want to get results fast, the faster the better in your eyes, the race is on to get to the the finish line in record time and celebrate. The speed in which change and success occurs is often commended, but let me tell your from experience a fast finish often has its pitfalls!

Fast finishers my hundred percenters often lack a true understanding of how they got there and quite frankly end up exhausted and glad its over.

BUT is it over?

Often it’s not, often it’s then a battle of willpower, old habits creep in, a battle to maintain, a battle to understand why weight gain occurs, often a feeling of despair, guilt and personal disappointment.

So why not take a slower pace at the beginning when the race to the finish line takes a little longer than expected with a few obstacles, diversions, twists and turns along the way. Crossing the finish line is a real victory an achievement and takes on more meaning. It’s through understanding and learning to negotiate a difficult terrain that leads to a more memorable journey, a chance to change, reflect, evaluate and focus on the a long term strategy that guarantees success. 

So try and be patient, try to understand and try to take the necessary steps to learn strategies that in the long run will serve you well.

Quicker is not always better, so if you need help with strategies, help slowing down then let us help. Contact us today for a chat and a long term plan.


Dieting Characters, which one are you?


Macronutrients WHAT! "I've no idea"