How Exercise Referral Helps Increase Activity Levels And Improve Health

“If exercise could be packaged in a pill, it would be the single most widely prescribed and beneficial medicine in the nation.”

The benefits of physical activity to health are widely acknowledged and well evidenced.

People of all ages can benefit from improved health and quality of life by taking part in regular physical activity.

In fact, physical activity and exercise can reduce your risk of many major illnesses, as well as reverse or improve the management of a number of health conditions and reduce the risk of falls.

I am really passionate about the benefits of exercise and have recently qualified in Exercise Referral.

This gives me the knowledge and skills to work with people with many common conditions to help them use exercise to help manage and improve their health.

You could be referred by a GP or you can self-refer if you believe exercise can help you (and in most cases it can!)

Carefully planned and managed exercise is suitable for most conditions and has many benefits.

I’ve outlined some of the key benefits for common conditions below.

If you have been diagnosed with any of these conditions do arrange an appointment with me to discuss how a managed programme of exercise can help you.

This may be in discussion with your GP where necessary. This means appropriate considerations can be taken with regard to any particular needs for an individual and also with regards to any side-effects you may have to manage due to medications or the particular condition you have.

High blood pressure

Exercise can normalise blood pressure. .

Diabetes Type 1 and 2

Exercise can help improve blood sugar control,


Exercise can help manage body weight and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis

Can help maintain and improve mobility and range of movement and strengthen muscles around joints which can help improve pain and maintain functional movement.


Exercise can help maintain bone density.

Asthma and Respiratory conditions

Exercise can improve the efficiency of breathing and cardiovascular function.

Mental Health conditions 

Increased activity is associated with improved mental health. It can help manage stress and improve mood and wellbeing.

Just get in touch if you’d like to discuss how exercise can help you by calling 0114 236 2129, fill in the contact form here or on email at


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