This weight isn’t coming off until I got my nutrition under control!

Ever struggle with nutrition?  I know I have! 

I had a big wake up call not so long ago.  I had put on a few pounds and was feeling like I needed to do something.  I always turn to exercise. I spent the next month foused in the gym. I went 3 times in the week, weight lifting, doing any class going, and of cause my normal ice hockey training.

In my head this was a good as ten pounds off!  What happened you may ask.. NOTHING!!!

The weight didn’t budge.  Yes, I felt fitter. I wasn’t out of breath as easily. I had slightly more rhythm at step (for a baby elephant), but it finally hit me square in the eyes. 

 This Weight wasn’t coming off until I get my nutrition under control. 

How many times have I heard it before that Nutrition was key?!  How many times have I told myself "but you don’t really eat that unhealthy"? Well here was living proof, exercise alone will not budge the weight if the food going in is undoing all that hard work!

One thing that really helped me get a handle on nutrition was to think about food as fuel.  Think of your body as having an engine that needs fuel to keep going.  Food is that fuel.

Depending on what you do on a given day your body will need more or less fuel.  If you have a sedentary quiet day at the office sat in front of a computer screen you're not using as much energy / fuel / calories as on a day when you go to the gym or a class, on top of the school run. YOU need less fuel.

This mental image of being an engine  has stuck with me, and it’s also become more in-depth/relevant as I continue to learn and help others on their fitness journey.  If any one comes into the gym at Kate Campbell Fitness we educate firstly on the importance of increasing protein, eating healthy fat and the benefits of eating carbs! 

We look at the macronutrients to make sure the ratio is right to help with weight loss and building that all important lean tissue.

The point is the type of food you put into your body is just as important as the amount of calories you put in. 

Think of the way your car performs on certain petrol. For example, you can fuel up with unleaded or premium petrol. I think there is probably a difference in unleaded petrol between stations. 

Personally, we stopped going to a certain petrol station as the car seemed to eat through it a lot quicker than when we went elsewhere.  In other words I reduced sugars and felt immediate benefits.

Your body is the same. It will function differently when it run on different foods.

For optimal energy and performance we need to fill our bodies with fuel that is higher in protein, higher in healthy fats, and higher in fibrous unrefined carbohydrates.  

Foods that provide that sugar hit give us a boost of energy, but then fizzle out leaving us feeling a bit low. Then we find ourselves raiding the fridge for the next boost. 

When we get a handle on things and eat healthier we fuel our bodies with food that will satisfy us for longer and give us the much needed energy it needs to run effectively and smoothly.

Food is fuel, make sure your fuelling your body for the energy your expending, and make sure you are putting the top of the line fuel in the tank to get the best out of the old engine!

Since focusing on nutrition and less on hitting the gym too hard my weight has steadily been reducing and I have bags more energy.

Shannon Schneider

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