Male strength training at home, is it possible?

Male strength training at home, is it possible?

Most people associate strength training with throwing heavy weights around a gym and hitting so many reps, sets and supersets perfectly in order to aid muscular hypertrophy and increase muscular strength; however, at home with limited to no equipment how success can ‘strength training’ be? Well, the answer is very, if done correctly!

It is possible to still hit all your desired strength goals, at home and without the weight room if a well-thought-out programme is put together using high intensity exercises and the incorporation of progressive overload - increasing load/intensity over a given time-period to increase strength and aid hypertrophy (increasing muscle mass) this can be done using time under tension, load and recovery periods. Most importantly however, consistency in training is key for strength gains!

Bodyweight, free-weight and resistance style exercises are all types of strength training and can help to increase an individual’s muscle mass and muscular strength overtime. If you have access to a long resistance band, a set of dumbbells and/or your own bodyweight you can train strength. An exercise such as a squat can be done several different ways: bodyweight squats, banded squats and weight squats and all variations will increase an individual’s muscular strength from the comfort of their home using effective programming.

Typical strength training sessions are formatted around the number of reps and sets carried out - the lower the reps, the higher the weight and the higher the reps, the lower the weight. For strength training it is optimal to be working within a rep range of 6-12 over 3-4 sets, aiming for a working intensity of 70-80% of max strength.

Examples of some strength based exercises that can be carried out at home to build strength, with or without equipment are squats, lunges, push ups, triceps dips, plank variations etc… When used correctly and programmed effectively these exercises can help build lower body, upper body and core strength and therefore develop your strength at home with no gym at all!

 Hit the link below to see many of the exercises above

Kate Campbell Fitness YouTube


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