Top tips to avoid temptation - Kitchen and Work makeover

Why when you’ve decided to make some dietary changes and want to lose weight temptation appears to be all around you? from the Kids sweet cupboard to the office biscuit tin next to your desk ,you feel destined to fail at the first hurdle the moment your resolve waivers.

So together let’s look at on what’s going on here.

When all you are focused on is the food you can’t have it becomes an unhealthy focus some may even call it an obsession!

Now in truth no food should banned, no food should be eliminated and no food should have the power to stop you reaching your goal. We know this, but still our mind can play games! especially when faced with seeing temptation on a daily basis.

So here are a few simple steps you can do to help - Lets start in the Kitchen and give it a good old fashioned Makeover.

  • If the biscuit tin is next to the kettle MOVE IT

  • If you keep the bread bin next to the toaster MOVE IT

  • If you open the fridge and the leftover desert is staring at you MOVE IT to the salad draw

  • When you open the fridge your eye line should see fruit and veg not cake and cheese

  • Keep healthier nibbles on display e.g. fruit bowl on the table

  • If you love baking but find it hard to resist eating the lot, freeze in batches

  • Do your kids or other half actually need their own treat cupboard for you to raid? NO Instead buy only when requested.

Next let’s move on to your work environment. We all know that habits are formed fairly easily for example if you walk to work and your morning routine is popping into costa for a latte and breakfast muffin, to reach your goal you will have to make some changes. When you get to work I bet the biscuit tin is next to the kettle? you drink 4 cups a day with a biscuit or 2 that’s a lot of biscuits and will slow down your weight loss.

So here are a few simple steps you can do to help keep your resolve high.

  • Change your route to work avoiding costa the latte and the muffin

  • Move the biscuit tin away from the kettle - put it in a cupboard

  • Avoid eating at your desk - remove your snack draw  

  • If previously the canteen has always made your favorite crispy chicken baguette ask them to swap for roast chicken

  • Tell people about your journey your goal and ask them to help you by not offering you their homemade baking everyday.

  • You’re given a present by a happy customer / client it’s a big box of chocolates! share it until they are all gone!     

So here are a few simple steps you can do to help keep your resolve high.

  • Change your route to work avoiding costa the latte and the muffin

  • Move the biscuit tin away from the kettle - put it in a cupboard

  • Avoid eating at your desk - remove your snack draw  

  • If previously the canteen has always made your favorite crispy chicken baguette ask them to swap for roast chicken

  • Tell people about your journey your goal and ask them to help you by not offering you their homemade baking everyday.

  • You’re given a present by a happy customer / client it’s a big box of chocolates! share it until they are all gone!     

Let me tell you a secret - these helpful tips have all come from my clients. The same clients that are getting results. The same clients who have changed their environment to support their goals.

Why not give it a go and tell me how you get on, and if you have any more helpful tips please do share.

For more support get in touch we are always here to help and give more tips to success

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