How Does HIIT Training Work?

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a high-intensity form of exercise (clue’s in the title) and works to keep the heart-rate high using short bursts of intense exercise followed by short bursts of active rest and/or a complete rest.

HIIT is a very popular form of training for people who are short of time, have limited equipment and/or limited space as this style of training can be done anytime, anywhere, in a group or individually!

HIIT-based training incorporates a range of cardio and strength-based, bodyweight exercises as well as weighted exercises using dumbbells, kettlebells and medicine balls.

A typical HIIT session can last between 20-45 minutes following a format of 30 seconds’ work and 20 seconds’ rest; however, this format is changeable depending on who’s training and what exercises are being used.

For HIIT to be most effective, it is advised that you should work at approximately 85% of your maximum heart rate, this means that you must push yourself during every round in order to feel the physical and mental benefits.

HIIT training has many physical and mental benefits. Due to the high-intensity nature of HIIT training, you can continue to burn calories 48-72 hours after a session – how great is that! As a result of this, individuals can build more lean muscle mass, thus making HIIT an effective form of training for changing an individual’s body composition.

Like most exercise, HIIT is most effective when done consistently and alongside a healthy and balanced diet. HIIT also has many mental benefits such as stress relief and increased alertness/concentration.

The great thing about HIIT is that it can be done by anyone, at any fitness level!

HIIT can be easily modified to suit individual needs, strengths and weaknesses and variations/modifications can be incorporated among most exercises typically used during a HIIT session.

For example, a squat jump can be modified to a bodyweight squat and push-up can be modified to a box push-up.

Therefore, HIIT really is for anyone and can be done anywhere, anytime!

NEW Body Blitz HIIT Circuit on Mondays at 7.30pm

Blog written on placement by Harriet Hallam University Student


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