Girl Power! training for strength as a Female Teenager
I started going to the gym at 15. I had no idea what I was doing. I would spend 40 minutes on the treadmill, do a few resistance machines and leave. I had no structure to my training and no real reason as to why I was doing it. That was why I used to hate going to the gym. I found it so boring and repetitive! I was seeing all the men in my gym doing these complex movements and I just thought, “I want to do that!” I did some research and found a free programme online. It said for ‘males’ but I disregarded that entirely. I would film myself doing the exercises so I could see my technique (or lack of back then!) and add changes where I needed them.
My biggest piece of advice for any females wanting to start the gym or training is, keep at it! The technique will come in time and no one is judging you! We all started somewhere, there’s no shame in it!
Another Is to have a plan! You will feel a lot more confident and comfortable if you have an idea. You can find beginner programmes online and you can find videos on how to do them. Simple! But my most important piece of advice is, have fun with it! The likelihood that you’re going to stick to something you don’t like is very slim. So spend some time finding what you like.
At Kate Campbell fitness the support is fantastic, the gym is quiet and no intimidating, the focus exercise workout plans are there for you to pick up and use and if you are unsure support is always on hand. Ask one of the team and they will show you.
Coming soon is a strength course for teen girls only 4 places available and is open to members and non members
Hope this has helped and if you need any more support then get in touch and let us know