Find your WHY | 7 steps to success….

Every Little helps …. 7 steps to success

Find your why, find your strength, find your confidence and find your courage to pick up the phone send an email and get in touch.

 In 2020 a survey by King’s College London said 48 percent of people reported they had put on weight during lockdown, the same percentage reported feeling more anxious or depressed than usual, and 29 percent said they drank more alcohol.

This was August last year, I’m confident that with gyms open and motivation high, the people in the survey have decided to tackle their weight gain and seek the necessary support to lead a healthier lifestyle. However there will still be a fair few that are still sporting a larger waistline and if that’s you we can help!

Can your relate? Are waving your hands in the air, sitting on the fence ready to make a change but not sure how and when to start?

Firstly let me ask what is your biggest motivation to change your current habits?

  • Clothes no longer fit

  • You feel sluggish and lack energy

  • You want to feel strong again

  • You lack confidence in a big gym

  • Lack fitness routine and direction

  • Feel untoned and unfit

  • Fed up of fluctuating weight

  • Had enough of quick fixes that never work long term

 These are just some of the responses I’ve had talking to prospective clients 

Improving your nutrition and increasing your activity levels needn’t be hard. If your motivation to change is important then you are halfway there. REMEMBER YOU ARE NOT ALONE

Find your why, Focusing on too many areas you want to change will naturally overwhelm you, so choose just 1 thing that you can change today that will help you move forward towards reaching your personal goal.

Follow these 7 focused steps which are the same across all our programmes on how to improve your physical (and mental) health without focusing exclusively on weight.

  1. Decide on what YOU want to Achieve – have a clear realistic vision of the end result. For example, picture wearing that colourful strappy summer dress and picture the smile on your face, imagine how you will feel and the great sense of achievement you will have.

  2. Know and feel YOUR REASON for wanting to achieve these particular results – continue to ask yourself “WHY’ is this important to me,? until it becomes an integral emotional response.

  3. Make this a FOCUS priority in YOUR life. If it’s not worked out in the past it is most likely because you were not ready, perhaps it wasn’t the right time to give it all your attention. Focus now on positive forward planning. Plan your meals, plan how you can eat well and exercise more during your week. Schedule exercise sessions, schedule time to plan, schedule time to research, schedule time to meal prep and tell people close to you this is what you are doing. The right support is vital.

  4. Believe YOU are capable and deserving of reaching this goal. Previous attempts may have failed in the past because it wasn’t the right time. Allow time to reflect on what you have learned and have self belief and self confidence that this programme will work.

  5. Be grateful – understand that the quickest way to achieve your goals is to be HAPPY NOW. If you look to the future for your happiness, you’ll never be happy.

  6. Focus on the present and all that you have and concentrate on the here and now. Life is not something to be endured until you reach your future goals. Your present should be exciting, inspiring and fulfilling.

  7. Be forgiving – Don’t beat yourself up if things don’t go to plan or your focus slips. If you slip, quickly return to your plan, don’t feel guilty, instead learn why you slipped up, remain focused, enthusiastic and determined about the journey ahead, congratulate yourself on how far you have come and that you can climb any mountain with the right tools the right mindset and the right support.

All our Personal training clients have different reasons for seeking our support. 1-1 personal training has for many been the stepping stone to unlocking long term health and vitality.

"The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are'

How ready are you to make this change on a scale of 1-10 1 being NO I'M NOT READY TO 10 BEING IM READY NOW

 We are here to help SO TRUST THE PROCESS and get in touch today. Fill out the form with as much detail as possible and we will be in touch.

- Kate

 PS the best results happen when our nutrition and workouts work together. If you need help putting a plan in place, then take advantage of this popular Personal training offer with 10% discount.

 The hybrid model of training means you have the option of training at the gym or at home

Not sure if we can help then click the link below and book a free trial

Get in touch today an



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