Keeping Motivated as a Beginner you have to GROW!

I love this GROW Acronym as a way of setting goals to help keep motivated.


Goals can be great motivators; some examples might include completing a 5k or 10k run, reducing body fat %, committing to run or attend gym, PT or Zoom session 2/3 times a week on a regular basis.

Try and make it SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time bound).  For example, I’m going to run at least twice a week. I’m going to complete my first 5k by the end of …. I’m going to attend at least one class a week and 1 PT session every week up to half term. Rather than I am going to try and run more or get fitter. 

Once you have a goal and share it with others-including us! Support and encouragement will help you.


Where are you now? Assess where you are now. Is your goal realistic or do you need to adjust your expectations? Discuss this with us if you need help coming up with a realistic goal.


What could you do to achieve your goal?

Brainstorm all the things you could do to help you achieve your goal. 

Eg. Sign up to a run course at Kate Campbell Fitness. Get up and run or go to the gym first thing in the morning twice a week. Use the gym once a week. Keep my diary clear on a Wednesday after 7pm so I can do a class or PT session.


What will you do? Then from those ideas which ones are you going to put into place to get to where you want to be.

Some other things that really help me.

Keep a diary - Keeping a diary is a great way to see progress and when you look back over the sessions you have recorded or ticked off it can help reinforce your motivation.

Make it social - work out with your buddy for moral support and motivation it's harder for you to skip it or make an excuse. 

Think about the benefits - Whether it’s improved general health and fitness, losing weight, feeling better about yourself. Remember why you wanted to work towards your goal in the first place.

Above all my advice is to not forget the well-known quote ‘Enjoy the journey’. Find ways to make your journey to your goal enjoyable.



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