

I just wanted to thank you so much for the sessions.  It did not turn out as anyone could have imagined, but to be honest, with lockdown and changes to everything - I have enjoyed our zoom sessions more than I think I would have done dashing around and trying to pack it in with my job and commuting and everything else.


It has been a fabulous hour to myself, and although I dont think the scales have dramatically changed - it has been as much for my own wellbeing as it has been just about losing weight.  I am definitely more aware of where my strengths are what I need to focus on, not to do too much and to vary what I do.  It has also introduced me to the garage gym, something I was terrified of before and something I will definitely continue now with more confidence on my own.


But most of all, I have enjoyed seeing you each week, catching up with you - whilst working out as hard as I have ever done electronically.  I have never felt any compromise by doing it remotely - the sessions have been well thought through, varied and you have adapted for every injury and weakness.  I feel better for it and although I may not be 10lbs lighter, I know what I need to do to get there and now just may not be the time with everything else going on and i certainly have not put on any weight during lock down and am stronger and firmer and mentally it has helped so much too, an often forgotten element.


I have been so impressed with how you have embraced these changes and adapted and managed in my view to provide inspirational classes just in a different way.


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