Exercise, Sleep And Wellbeing

Exercise and wellbeing

I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that exercise is good for you but here are some extra benefits.

Research has found that increased activity protects against anxiety disorders (and that there is a link between suicidal ideation and sedentary behaviour).

We know that our mood can be improved with exercise which protects against physiological changes that occur with low mood, including higher levels of inflammation and pain.

Think about your kids too. Even just one hour of light activity such as a walk with friends can reduce depression by 8-11% in 12-year-olds.

Sleep and wellbeing

We think sleep is restful, which it is for our bodies but we have intense brain activity during sleep.

Sleep is important to maintain health through the regulation of our body clock (circadian) and pressure threshold (homeostatic). Unfortunately, society influences good quality sleep (‘I’ll sleep once I’m dead’ attitude!), artificial light, social media before bed etc.

Poor sleep can impact;

  • Our weight; due to changes in hormones that signal for hunger and for fullness-double whammy!

  • Our immune response

  • Our metabolic regulation

  • Performance, productivity, decision making. Sleep deprivation=driving drunk

  • Language acquisition in children

  • Higher type 2 diabetes rate in people with poor sleep

Things to think about?

  • Remember that alcohol doesn’t help us to sleep as it is more broken and less quality REM

  • Consider that coffee has an afterlife of 6 hours so it affects sleep, doesn’t help decision-making and actually increases risk-taking

  • Studies have found a 26-minute nap can help

  • Review your medication as it can interfere

  • 18 degrees optimum sleep hygiene

Move your bodies and get some sleep and we will see you in the New Year feeling your best mentally and physically!

If this resonates with you, then contact us here about a free trial/consultation where you can speak to us about what you want to address and we can decide together how you do it!


Self-Care And Compassion


Pregnancy and Postnatal Memories